It seems that I have been neglecting the blog posts due to all the shooting right now. I have recently dedicated my time into shooting portraits to raise funds for a friend. I have met so many wonderful families during this time and I would like to thank you all for participating. Enjoy the photos.
One little man named Jackson with his brother Cooper and one little princess named Maive Ellis. I love babies ! Especially three week old newborns. Here are a few picks of the pics. sept.09'
Finally, I am blogging... The new website and the blog have been in the works for weeks and now that I have the blogging down, I will be able to keep everyone up to date with the latest photographs and news. Instead of talking about the photos occasions that I have done in the last few months, I thought I would keep it simple and post recent pictures that I have taken. In addition to the new site, I have added a new member to the family, she is the Nikon D700 and she very lovely. A bit on the heavy side but while in action, her precision and stamina are noticed rather than her girth. Feel free to leave comments and I will keep the blog fresh and full of great things to come. cheers'